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Photo Mosaic Wizard

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February 15, 2023
Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard 1.8 released!
What's New:
  Minor bug fixes;
  Japan localizations added;
  Improved user interface.

April 20, 2022
Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard 1.7 released!
What's New:
  Added drag and drop for Master-Image;
  Added more free bases with cell-images
  Minor bug fixes in photo mosaic maker;
  Improved the speed of creating photomosaic;
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From photograph to photomosaic

One would be hard-pressed to find anybody in today's world who doesn't have a digital camera.


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Digital cameras have become a huge part of our lives, and we want to keep any important event or moment in our memories forever. So it happens that, amateur or professional, each of us stores large collections of photographs on our computer. Vacations, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, photo sessions or simply our favorite photos — all of them are important to our lives and have our impressions, memories and emotions tied up with them.

There are a number of photography programs available on the Internet. The most popular ones are photo-processing programs. They make photos more interesting by applying effects or superimposing/applying an object. But learning how to use these programs, not to mention actually using them, can take significant time, patience and skill.

An excellent idea has arrived on the scene from Artensoft™, who has developed photomosaics and photo collages that are jaw-dropping to look at and easy to make.

As the name suggests, a photomosaic — a “mosaic of photos” — is a photo that basically consists of a single image, which in turn is made up of a number of smaller ones. If one looks at such an image from up close, one can pick out each of the separate photographs that form the overall photomosaic. From a distance, the original image — the one used as the basis for the photomosaic — is visible in its entirety.

The first photomosaic was made in 1995 by Robert Silvers, an MIT student interested in programming and photography. After graduation, he created his own company and began to take orders for custom photomosaics. Thanks to Artensoft's program, you can quickly and easily create photomosaics yourself, even without special design skills. All that you need is your photos and a computer. To use Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard, start by selecting a source photo that will be used as the basis for the photomosaic. Then add folders that contain photos to the program; these photos will make up the photomosaic (the individual “cells”). The more images that you load in to the program's collection, the more beautiful and spectacular the final photomosaic will be. The program carefully selects the location and orientation of fragments in the end mosaic. Artensoft’s program even takes into account the peculiarities of human visual perception. The completed photomosaic can be corrected before it is saved, by replacing the mini-images inside of it with other images from a list of suitable items.

The special algorithms in the program are tailor-made for creating beautiful, original and unique photomosaics that are better than the existing equivalents.

This means that you can create, for example, a photomosaic which will include your favorite landscapes, family portraits, memorable photographs from important events or other snapshots which bring to mind memories of a long-awaited, relaxing vacation. Or another example: put together a photomosaic of two newlyweds from their wedding photos and give it to them on their anniversary. The resulting photomosaic — creatively created by your own hands! — can decorate a wall of their home or even grace a tile in their bathroom. The sky's the limit to what you can do! Experiment, savor success, and spread the joy to others!

Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard is fully featured, usable, and affordable photomosaic software, with a free evaluation version available for download.


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Feel free to visit our gallery featuring dozens of cool photo mosaics.
Just click this link and enjoy the show.


How to create photomosaic: video demo

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