Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard: Testimonials
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February 15, 2023
Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard 1.8 released!
What's New:
  Minor bug fixes;
  Japan localizations added;
  Improved user interface.

April 20, 2022
Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard 1.7 released!
What's New:
  Added drag and drop for Master-Image;
  Added more free bases with cell-images
  Minor bug fixes in photo mosaic maker;
  Improved the speed of creating photomosaic;
  Other useful updates.

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Testimonials about Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard

Photo mosaic maker (main view)

Kodo’s to Artensoft for their great software !! !!

Everyone has got to give this a try!! I made a photomosaic for a friend in a nursing home that just lost her long time dog..she's been a ward of the state all her life !! !! Except for that dog, she has no one..Rose saw the unfinished project and wanted it "as is" and has been studying it ever since, so again, thank’s been a blessing to her..and a wonderful documentation of her "friend".

Dianne Manderson USA Houston Texas

Photo mosaic maker (main view)

A tulip, 10 000 pieces, created with Photo Mosaic Wizzard. You may publish it if you want. Great programme!

Best regards

Lars Wiklund Sweden

IMPRESSED! I installed, used, and loved Artensoft’s Photo Mosaic. It is simple to learn and it produces a stunning piece of photographic art. No bugs encountered. The software works as promised. Artensoft produced a great piece of software. Preston

Hi, I would just like to say thank you very much for helping me through the process of buying your product, I am really enjoying using it. Bri Noonan USA

This program does everything it says it will do. I added 1600 images to a mosiac and it came out great. I am going to find all of the pics of my family. Use a family shot for the mosiac and put every pic I can find in the mosaic. I’ll save the result as a hugh file to be sent out and have a poster or canvas made out of it. This is great software and works without a hitch. Rich USA

I love it because it gives me something fun to do with the thousands of wallpapers I have collected - they are great for this! Don’t restrict yourself to personal photos! Heartgal Greece

Wow, when I first saw the program, I wondered how I wished I could use my 4,000 plus pictures. I have SP3, and it ran well, and I created a really nice picture! Again, wow, wished I had this long time ago! A truely great find! Cannot find any negatives, except it is a bit slow, but with so many pictures, it is to be expected. The results are fantastic!! Chuck UK

What an amazing program, the best ever! Roz USA

Downloaded early this morning and have been playing. It installed very well. I have a Win XP Pro SP3 Intel Quad Core operating at 3200. No problems at all. Soooooo, I went to search and simply entered *.jpg. Well, guess what folks. There is a wealth of images there. I ran into (C drive) 63,385 files. I can just imagine what I am going to find on C, D, G, and F when I enter .bmp, .png, .gif, .3DS, .obj etc. Anyway, I took 5509 files and used a painting I did as the master. I ended up with a file 8195 x 10835 and 67.7 mb. But the result at taking only 5509 of the images was fantastic. Going to try a larger number to see what I get. This program came along at the right time as I was trying to figure what to with my image as it lacked something. Again, thank you for this software. I hope if anyone who wants to try this program but feel they do not have enough images, to go to the Artensoft site after maintenance and download there free package of images (there are two of them) and give this program a try. Its fun. Also, try the search *.jpg etc. You will be surprised whats there. Have a good day all. Sharon USA

It’s one of the best software till date i found it on GOTD ( its tooooo good Rohan USA

This looks like an interesting program. It worked fine on my Windows XP computer. I didn’t encounter any errors, bugs or glitches. The program was solid and the Wizard user interface was easy enough to figure out how to make a mosaic without looking for any type of help or instructions. I was very pleased to see that it found and was able to process Nikon NEF (RAW) files without any trouble.

What I liked: Able to process RAW files as well as JPG. I assume it took other file types although I’m not sure how many. Scanning process (looking for photos) worked nicely in the background while I was doing other things. There rendered image looked very nice. There were several choices of image file type to save and quality/size of the final picture.

What I didn’t like: The database directory got quite large. It didn’t appear to clean itself up. I was able to delete the directories manually and they were rebuilt when I generated another mosaic without any problems. Fortunately, it plays nice in the background while I was able to do other things.

A good product overall. Thanks Artensoft. George USA

Installed without issue on Windows 7 64-bit. Looks like a lot of fun! I have some mosaic paintings throughout the house which are composed of grey-scale blocks rather than photographs that suggest a color. I will be interested to see how I can put this to use! I’m REALLY looking forward to it!..

Installed FINE on Windows XP Pro SP3. As said takes an age to produce and if you don’t have enough of your own photos you can download a batch of thousands (Small Jpg’s) from Artensofts own site. Finished article is brilliant and good fun if, using an art program, you display the pic at different magnification levels i.e. First one showing the individual pics, zoom out 50% and again Etc. Very impressive and NO crashes (Although it does appear to lock sometimes - Ignore that)

Thanks Artensoft. Rizla USA

Just my 2 cents, but it seems to me that most people have a problem with the number of pics needed to create a mosaic. I would point out that this defines your "resolution" i.e. your TV. If you used, for example, 100 pics, you would end up with a resolution of 10x10. The end result would look nothing at all like the pic you were trying to create. If you wanted to cut the original pic into tiles you could easily do that using any paint program. I think most people just want to display their pics in the form of a shape or symbol not necessarily into an entire pic of it’s own. Again, you could easily do this with a paint program, arranging the pics to your taste, using different sizes, adding text and fx, etc. This program is to create a "picture" using your own pics as the "pixels" of which which you need many. Anyone who has ever tried to create an icon at 32x32 will know the challenge that poses. You could try copying the few pics you have to boost the number to 1500. Any time I have seen this type of mosaic effect used on tv (ie where they zoom out and it’s a bunch of pics making up a company logo) if you look closely, it’s usually made of duplicates. More variety however will help the program pick out different hues and shades giving you a nicer result. Dave USA

Installed like a pro!!!! Works great I have over 25,000 family and friend pictures form god knows how many years so this I really good makes the mosaic perfect Thank you Artensoft! Jang USA

I LOVE this! The end result is HUGE (it is adjustable, but I left it at the default middle setting, which resulted in a 10.1 MB 5995x4180 picture), but you can actually zoom in and see the individual photos. If you have the necessary photos, you could make really nice, personalized prints with this program.

Really fun to play with, this will definitely be a keeper for me! Diana UK


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